Thursday, September 8, 2011

Earthquake Safety Tips

!±8± Earthquake Safety Tips

An earthquake is a natural phenomenon and, therefore, can never stop, if it happens even if you are Superman. It 'was the cause of thousands of deaths around the world in the last two decades. However, there are things that can be in an earthquake, if you're safe inside or outside a building, car, or trapped in rubble.

When minimized in a building during an earthquake, your movements as much as possible. Do not try to run or walk even aelsewhere instead fall to the ground and looking like a blanket, a table or desk. I hope you're in the bedroom, to stay under the bed. Whatever happens, never quit until the earthquake stopped.

If you are outside when an earthquake does not attempt to enter a building. They would rather stay away from one. Avoid too close to a traffic light or a large tree, the case could be possible because of the intensity of the earthquake. Stay here, where you are, drop to the ground andcover the head.

You can take a car during an earthquake. If the stopping of the motor case as quickly as possible. Do not park next to a tall building, or the risk of being crushed by falling debris increase. Stay away from bridges. As far as possible, just wait in the car to stop and remain in turmoil.

If you are unlucky, it is trapped inside a building, do not panic. Remain calm and focused, and see if you are alone or if other people are trappedwho may need help. Even if you have the freedom to move, do not have. Stay where you look and sound that could be done to attract rescuers.

The importance of staying in one place, stress during and after an earthquake should be, because you can not be sure when it comes to whether or not an aftershock. Most injuries are the result of people by surprise by an aftershock. We live at a critical time, so make sure you're always prepared, even the strongest of the faceDangers.

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